Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Favorite Piece

This was my favorite project to make because I got to use so many different techniques to make it my own sort of box. In making this I used the slab technique for the first time and coil technique for the swirls. I used my previous knowledge of slip and score to work with the slabs and coils to ensure proper stability. I also used a roller to put the swirly sort of texture on the slabs. When glazing, I decided to use a fun glaze on the inside and make the outside very elegant white with touches of the colors in the glaze to accent the white. The glaze I used had reddish-pink and light orange bits so I used a light orange glaze of the swirls and the reddish-pink on the dots and bow. I felt really proud of this piece when it came out, and I think it my first ceramics piece that came out very much like how I'd imagined it. I'd say it was a huge success! 

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