Friday, February 7, 2014

Ballerina Color Wheel

Ballerina Color Wheel in Progress

1. This work is turning out really well, how I expected it to. I think it's pretty accurate as to what I envisioned in my mind before creating this piece.

2. I feel like color wheels aren't very challenging, yet are at the same time. They're the most basic things in art class but the way we've done this with tints and shades I think makes it a bit more challenging. Other than that, and getting the colors just right, I don't feel like this piece challenged me very much.

3. I can make it better by going over some of the color again to avoid the lines and especially go over the black background again. That would make the color differences more clear and impressive.

This is the final product. I went back over the black and a couple of the colors in her skirt and put a gray line to show her chin from her chest. I really like how its turned out and how far along it came. I think as I do more projects with paint Iĺl become even better at it.

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